We are born with only two innate fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud sounds.
We are born with only two innate fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud sounds. All other fears are fears we picked up growing up, we can, therefore, unlearn all our fears through self-discipline and commitment to follow through.
We all fear something, you can let it drive you or cripple you, The choice is yours, you have to face your fears, doubt yourself if you have to but don’t fall for your fear. You would never have a problem-free period of life, the majority of life is suffering at one point or the other but you have to do deal with it. Your FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real, your fear is in your head and you have to face it with courage.

Author John C. Maxwell, in the “Good Leaders Ask Great Questions: Your Foundation for Successful Leadership” notes
“I once saw an article in the Saturday Evening Post that talked about fear. It said that many”:
- People fear dying in a plane crash, yet the odds against that happening are 250,000 to one. A person is more likely to be kicked to death by a donkey than to die in a plane crash. –
- People are also afraid of being murdered, yet a person is eight times more likely to die while playing a sport than to be shot by a stranger.
- People fear dying on the operating table during surgery, yet they are twenty times more likely to die in an automobile accident. At the same time, millions of people hope and pray they will win the lottery. The truth is that they are three times more likely to be struck by lightning.
- People’s fears and worries are often overblown. Many times they’re not based in reality. Yet these worries stop them from being productive and successful just the same.
Here are some 30 great quotes on Fear: