Mistakes we all make knowingly or unknowingly. You are not mistakes, failures or challenges. It is not a matter of if you will make mistakes; it is a matter of when. Mistake 1 (v.) mid-14c., “to commit an offence;” late 14c., “to misunderstand, misinterpret, take in a wrong sense,” from mis- (1) “badly, wrongly” + take (v.) or from a cognate Scandinavian source such as Old Norse mistaka “take in error, miscarry.” It is not about the number of mistakes you make but the lessons and insights you would learn from your mistakes. Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly but expecting different results. You made a mistake, but you are not a mistake; you failed, but you are not a failure; you are going through some tough, trying times right now, but this too shall pass.