
November 2024


Addiction is an outcome—not the only one possible, but a prevalent one—of childhood trauma.

In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction, Canadian physician, addiction expert and author DrGabor Maté argues that all addiction is a case of human development gone askew. The book is based on Dr. Matés’ experience as a medical doctor in Vancouver’s drug ghetto and on extensive interviews with his patients”.

“The question is never “Why the addiction?” but “Why the pain?”

 Addiction arises from out thwarted ability to ourselves, love others in the ways that we all need. Opening our heart is the path to healing addiction

A centered life is one that is grounded in your core values rather than changing based on the most recent trend, compliment, or outside expectation.

In Homecoming: Healing Trauma to Reclaim Your Authentic Self, clinical psychologist and ordained minister, Dr. Thema Bryant writes about how stress, trauma and unresolved grief gets us disconnected from our authentic self. As a survivor of sexual assault, racism, and evacuation from a civil war in Liberia, Dr. Thema knows firsthand what it means to be traumatized and the work required to reconnect with ones’ authentic self.

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