American poet Maya Angelou once remarked: “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.” We all complain, and we complain more than we think. When we complain, we believe it is justified, but when others do complain, we can see it clearly, and we often tell them to stop nagging. Founder of the Complaint Free movement and the author of A Complaint Free World, Will Bowen, observed, “Complaining is like bad breath. We notice it when it comes out of someone else’s mouth, but not when it comes out of our own.” Sometimes, we complain to make sense of the situation; it can be therapeutic or cathartic. Complain if you have to, but do something about what you are complaining about. If it is something within your locus of control, do something about what you are complaining about and it is not within your locus of control, like the weather, consider it a fact of life. The Best Way to Complain is to Make Things.
“Appreciate life. Never complain. Work hard and do your best.”
Whatever will go wrong will eventually go wrong (Murphy’s Law). When things go wrong like they ultimately do, the easiest thing to do is to complain, nag and moan about the situation. Knowing the difference between a fact of life (changing seasons) and life situation is critical in navigating the roller coaster called life. No one has a problem-free life; if it is not this, then it is that. Nothing lasts forever,s and everything is in transition, the key is to understand the season of life you are in and understand the lesson every situation is trying to teach you.