Cuisine ouverte est une émission de télévision anime sur France 3 par chef cuisinier français, Mory Sacko. J’ai découvert l’émission en regardant le documentaire Noirs en France. Je regarderais l’ émission – cuisine ouverte pour améliorer mon français
I have been experimenting with learning various programming languages for quite a while now. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, I made some progress with Python, but I did not follow through with a hands-on project. In 2021, I tried to learn mobile application stack with android and ios development plus Java but gave it up eventually. Programming can be tough, but with persistence, resilience and great problem-solving skills, I believe it is figouratable.
I have tried to learn HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, and Java through various platforms such as Linkedin Learning, Udemy, Pluralsight, Coursera, books, and YouTube tutorials, among others. I attended a BootCamp in Toronto in 2019, but I had to drop out because the learning style was not suitable for me. I have observed that to get a hang of these programming languages; I need to work on projects instead of spending too much time on tutorials.
We don’t rise to the level of our expectations; We fall to the level of our training. – Archilochous
Greek philosopher Aristotle once quipped, “We are what we repeatedly do; excellence then is not an act but a habit.” I firmly believe that how you do one thing is how you do everything. We get rewarded in public for what we relentlessly practice in private. At the beginning of the year, I set multiple goals to enhance and build my self-discipline muscle. 2022 is, by far, my most disciplined year ever.
‘Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.’ – Abraham Lincoln
Si, en anglais “If—”, est un poème de Rudyard Kipling, écrit en 1895, et publié en 1910. Le poème a connu plusieurs traductions françaises dont celle qu’André Maurois a faite en 1918 dans son livre Les silences du colonel Bramble sous le titre : Tu seras un homme, mon fils.

For more than 30 years, award-winning journalist Michael Pollan has explored the intersection of humans and nature—including groundbreaking probes of the food we eat. The NYT bestselling author of “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” teaches how to ditch fad diets and eat with more intentionally.
Food is personal: What people eat reflects their cultures, relationships, and, often, their relative societal privileges.
Chaque matin, je médite avec l’application de méditation de pleine conscience – Calm. Depuis le 27 décembre 2021, je médite tous les matins au moins 25 à 30 minutes avec des guides de méditation: Daily Jay – Jay Shetty, Daily Calm – Tamara Levitt, Daily Trip – Jeff Warren. J’ai commencé à utiliser l’application calme en 2020 et je suis sur ma séquence actuelle de cohérence depuis décembre 2021.

J’irai dormir chez vous est une une série de documentaires présentée par globe-trotter Antoine de Maximy. Dan chaque émission, Antoine voyage seul autour du monde, filmant ses rencontres. Équipé de son sac à dos et de sa caméra, il part à l’aventure en voyageant un peu partout dans le monde. Grâce à sa caméra, il partage ses voyages, ses rencontres et ses expériences. Mais sa particularité, c’est d’aller dormir chez l’habitant !
Une chemise rouge, un sac à dos, trois caméras, et des destinations plus ou moins lointaines. Antoine de Maximy partage ses rencontres authentiques et ses aventures uniques de globe-trotter.
Jeff Benedict’s biography of Tiger Woods is based on years of reporting and interviews of more than 250 people who worked, played and interacted with Tiger Woods. Benedict is an American author and special features writer for Sports Illustrated, who has written 16 nonfiction books. His biography of Tiger Woods was the basis of a 2-part documentary on HBO, in which he was an executive producer. The book is currently being developed into a scripted television series, which Benedict is also executive producing
The authors could not get either an on-the-record or off-the-record conversation or interview with Tiger Woods himself. Tiger is extremely private and the authors were also unwilling to meet Woods’ condition for such an interview.
The book is a great account of one of the greatest sportsmen/golfers of a generation. The authors describe, among other things – Tiger’s upbringing, his parents’ relationship, growing up as an only child, his father first marriage, and how his parents programmed him for greatness. Tigers rise and fall from grace through gambling, sex addiction and association. The book was a great read as it helps the reader connect various dots about the life of Tiger Woods. The ups and downs, insights on raising a protege and strategies for handling crisis.
The past should be left in the past, or it can steal your future. Live life for what today can bring and not what yesterday has taken away.
While at Duke, Jay Williams was a rising star – he won the 2001 NCAA Championship, won the Naismith College Player of the Year Award, and was named NABC Player of the Year in 2001 and 2002. He was a unanimous first-team All- American. He was drafted by the Chicago Bulls as the second overall pick in the 2002 NBA draft.
Everything was going well for Jason: he was living his dreams with endorsement deals, a luxury condo, a huge NBA salary, fame and a bright future. It all came crashing after a motorcycle accident in 2003.
Every tree has leaves, branches, and roots. Some people are leaves—hanging there for a minute, but a gust of wind can come along, and they’re gone. Some people are branches—holding firm for a while until something more powerful occurs, and they snap and break away. Then, if you are extremely lucky, you meet a root. A root is a person who holds firm regardless of the elements.
Jeux olympiques d’été de 2024 seront célébrés en 2024 à Paris, en France. 45 000 volontaires seront engagés pour faire des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de Paris 2024.
Dans l’uniforme d’un volontaire: Le podcast du programme des volontaires de Paris 2024.
Ce podcast: « Dans l’uniforme d’un volontaire » c’est votre entrée VIP dans les vestiaires du programme des volontaires de Paris 2024. Faites le plein d’anecdotes, de témoignages et d’échanges avec les personnes qui contribuent à l’organisation des Jeux. Venez découvrir les coulisses de la vie d’un volontaire dans le monde olympique et paralympique et apprenez-en plus sur leurs rôles et leurs missions.
Titre: Notre peur la plus profonde
Auteur: Marianne Williamson
La source: Un retour à l’amour : manuel de psychothérapie spirituelle : lacher prise,pardonner,aimer de Marianne Williamson
Films cités: Les Mots d’Akeelah, Coach Carter
In Startup Success: Funding the Early Stages of Your Venture, American startup advisor and investor Gordon Daugherty describes the fundraising process in the early phases of a startup’s evolution.
Gordon Daugherty is a seasoned business executive, entrepreneur, startup advisor, and investor. He has made more than 200 investments in early-stage companies as a venture fund manager and angel investor, and he has been involved in raising more than $100 million in growth and venture capital.
I participated in my sixth full marathon of the year (2022) at The Hamilton Road2Hope Marathon. I finished with a time of 3 hours 55 minutes and 04 seconds, making it my third sub-4 hours in 6 weeks. I had earlier ran a personal best (3:44:14) and my first sub-4 marathon time at the 2022 Beneva Montreal Marathon on September 24, 2022; I followed that up with another sub-4 performance in the Toronto Waterfront Marathon with a time of 3:56:14.
MentorShow – la plateforme pour apprendre avec les meilleurs.
Chaque samedi, Je regardais l’emission américaine sur site du web – J’aime regarder des experts partagent leur leçons apprises, connaissances et experience. J’aime beaucoup, apres avoir fini regarder chaque emission; je résume le leçons que j’ai apprises.
“I am a Bestselling Writer. I write Bestselling Books. Every day in every way, I am researching and writing my award-winning Bestselling Books and short stories. Every one of my books reaches and remains for two or more months at the top of the bestseller lists. So Be It! See To It!”
The above is a journal entry (note to self) of American science fiction author Octavia Butler. She often wrote these motivational notes to help her stay committed to her goals and have something to reach for. Octavia went on to become the first science-fiction writer to receive a MacArthur Fellowship. She also is the first woman of colour to win both the Hugo and Nebula awards. Her published works include Kindred Wild Seed, Parable of the Sower, and Parable of the Talents,
Be careful what you ask for; you might get it.

I shall be a bestselling writer. After Imago, each of my books will be on the bestseller lists of LAT, NYT, PW, WP, etc. My novels will go onto the above lists whether publishers push them hard or not, whether I’m paid a high advance or not, whether I ever win another award or not.
This is my life. I write bestselling novels. My novels go onto the bestseller lists on or shortly after publication. My novels each travel up to the top of the bestseller lists and they reach the top and they stay on top for months . Each of my novels does this.
So be it! I will find the way to do this. See to it! So be it! See to it!
My books will be read by millions of people!
I will buy a beautiful home in an excellent neighborhood
I will send poor black youngsters to Clarion or other writer’s workshops
I will help poor black youngsters broaden their horizons
I will help poor black youngsters go to college
I will get the best of health care for my mother and myself
I will hire a car whenever I want or need to.
I will travel whenever and wherever in the world that I choose
My books will be read by millions of people!
So be it! See to it!
“I am a Bestselling Writer. I write Bestselling Books . . . Every day in every way I am researching and writing my award winning Best selling Books and short stories . . . Everyone of my books reaches and remains for two or more months at the top of the bestseller lists . . . . So Be It! See To It.”